Then you saw how to test and debug an application, including some fine points of testing a state machine. 然后,您了解了如何测试和调试一个应用程序,包括一些测试状态机的要点。
IBM Rational Software Developer ( RSD) allows you to run and debug programs on a remote machine using the GNU debugger ( gdb). IBMRationalSoftwareDeveloper(RSD)允许您使用GNU调试器(GNUdebugger,gdb)在远程的机器上运行并调试程序。
How to debug a state machine ( or any component, for that matter). 如何调试一个状态机(或其任意组件)。
Additionally, you can debug applications running on a remote machine. 此外,您还可以调试在远程机器上运行的应用程序。
Once you are in debug mode, the target machine's kernel stops. 处于调试模式之后,目标机器的内核就停止了。
To debug a process running under another account name: you need administrator privilege on the remote machine. 调试以另一个帐户名运行的进程:您需要远程计算机上的管理员特权。
Debugger users can debug processes on this machine, both locally and remotely 调试器用户可以通过本地或远程的方式调试这台计算机上的进程
The jit-compiler default behavior is to generate the highest performance, hardest to debug machine code. jit编译器的默认行为是生成性能最高、最不易于调试的机器码。
To debug a process running under another account name: your windows login account needs to be a member of the system administrators group on the remote machine. 调试以另一个帐户名运行的进程:您的windows登录帐户需要是远程计算机上系统管理员组的成员。
Unable to start the Machine Debug Manager on the specified machine. 无法在指定的计算机上启动调试管理器。
No matter what power cut or scene emergency debug and maintain will not affect the position of machine, which is independent of the alteration of machine origin. 用这种驱动无论是在停电后还是作现场应急调试和维修都不影响机床进给位置的确定,而且与机床机械原点的变动无关。
Manufacture and debug the model machine, and validate the dependability and practicability of the scheme. 样机的制造与调试,验证方案的可靠性和实用性。
Design and debug software of upper machine. 上位机软件设计及调试。
The debugger can debug program and rectify errors with the help of services provided by the virtual machine system. 调试器借助于虚拟机系统提供的服务可完成对应用程序的调试纠错。
Debug the Electrically Controlled System of Dancing Drawing Machine 活套式拉丝机电控系统调试
The paper lists the debug results of sample machine's startup performance, orientation performance, brake performance. The test result proves that the system has high stability, low noise, high precision. 本文随后列出了样机系统启动性能、制动性能、定位精度的调试结果,测试结果证明该系统稳定性高、噪音小、精度高。
NC programs with the same steps for noncircle curves of a workpiece are of too many sections and difficult to input and debug, which affects the efficiency of a NC machine tool. 在数控机床上对非圆轮廓曲线进行加工时,按等步长进行节点计算编写出的加工程序通常段数多,给程序的输入与调试带来困难,直接影响机床的使用效率。
Much difficulties in debug were found in virtual prototyping machine hardware/ software co-verification environment. By embedding virtual monitoring and control unit ( VMCU), ex-ternal tools and other components, efficient debug methods were implemented. 针对基于虚拟原型机的软件/硬件协同验证环境中软件调试困难的缺点,通过在原协同验证环境中增加虚拟监视控制单元(VMCU)、外部工具等部件,实现了高效的调试手段。
At the same time, this paper studied control system anti-jamming measures. Finally, we install and debug a welding machine, assembly into a machine to carry out welding technology. 最后进行了焊机的安装与调试,组装整机,进行焊接工艺试验。
Through debug process the accuracy of machine tool meet the basic requirements, and the function of parts are normal. 最后,总结了机床的调试过程,通过调试的机床精度基本满足要求,机床各部件的功能正常。
Hardware design includes schematic design, PCB design, hardware debug, firmware design and state machine design. Software design includes driver design and application design. 硬件设计包括原理图设计,PCB设计,硬件焊接及调试,外部逻辑状态机设计以及68013固件程序设计;软件设计包括驱动程序设计和应用程序设计。